Dear Traveler Cilla Utne Dear Traveler Cilla Utne

Journeys for Inner Healing

Dear Traveler,

I hope this finds you safe and healthy wherever you are! Sorry for the long radio silence - we took a self-imposed summer break in July, partly because we didn't have much new to report in the current world of travel. At least not in the world as we once knew it. We are in an ongoing transformational process, and it takes a little bit of time for each of us, depending on where we are on our path, to integrate what is actually happening, on the global, community and individual levels. It takes a bit of time to come to a realization that we are actually all deeply connected. It is a more a 'felt sense', than something we can see with our eyes. What am I talking about? Well, from the chair of a CEO of a purpose travel company, I reflect a lot on what it may mean to those of us who love to leave the comfort of our homes, to take on the outer adventures in far away lands.

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